Sunday, November 8, 2020

November 8 Update

Dear McCall Parents and Guardians,

I hope this message finds you well. I would like to begin by wishing all members of the McCall community who are veterans of the United States armed forces and their family members a happy Veteran’s Day. This include McCall teachers Mr. John Gill, Mr. Larry Farelli as well our head custodian Mr. Phil Doucette and our School Resource Officer Officer Dan Perenick - all of whom have served in the US military prior to starting their current career with Winchester Public Schools. On behalf of the entire McCall community, we thank you for the services and sacrifices you have made for our country.

Please don’t forget there is no school this coming Wednesday due to the fact that it is Veteran’s Day. No Zoom sessions will be held that day.

I would like to take this moment to remind everyone of a few things.

  • Although we had encountered a few cases where students had tested positive for COVID or were deemed to be close contacts and therefore had to undergo quarantine, the school community as a whole has been able to avoid a schoolwide spread of the disease and remain open. This is largely due to the fact that all staff, parents, guardians, and students have been vigilant in the participation in our mitigation efforts. It is important to remember not to let up on our work as we head into the holiday season when we are all tempted to travel and visit with friends and families. Please remember that the travel order that was put in place by the Governor in August is still in effect. Part of the order includes the requirement to quarantine after you return from higher risk states which include those that neighbor Massachusetts such as Rhode Island and Connecticut. I ask all families to please review the travel information posted on the Department of Health website (please click here) and take all necessary steps to do your part in order to keep all members of the McCall community healthy and safe. 
  • Many of our teachers and staff members worked very hard this past summer to create Curriculum Overview documents for all the courses that are being taught at McCall Middle School. I would like to make everyone aware that this information is now posted on the WPS COVID website (please click here). These documents include helpful information such as the learning standards and essential questions that teachers plan to teach and include in every course McCall offers. I highly recommend families who plan to withdraw students from McCall for an extended period of time to review this information. 
  • The holiday season can be a stressful time for families who are in need. I would like everyone to know that the Winchester Gives Back program is here to help all those who need assistance. Please review this letter to learn how to access this resource if you need support (please click here).
  • Don’t forget that the McCall Spirit Wear sale held by the MPA is now taking place. Please click here if you are interested in purchasing cool clothing with Winchester and McCall logos.

Thank you, and I wish everyone a good week.

James Lin


McCall Middle School