Sunday, September 18, 2022

Sept. 18 Update

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

I hope you are well. I have been asked by parents and caregivers why McCall teachers and staff are openly sharing their pronouns when they are introducing themselves to a group of people including their students, and why McCall staff include their pronouns in their email signatures and Zoom names. I would like to take this opportunity to explain why we are engaging in these practices.

As you may know already, the School Committee adopted the Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity policy in 2019. The policy states that staff and students have the right to choose pronouns and names that are appropriate to their gender identities regardless of the genders or names that were assigned to them at birth. In my opinion, this is an important step to take so that McCall and all of Winchester Public Schools can be a safe and inclusive place for all staff and students. Sharing pronouns is part of what all of us can do to align our practices with this policy.

In our culture one often assumes people’s gender identities based on how they express themselves such as the way they dress and through their mannerisms. When we share our pronouns and ask others to share their pronouns we are not making assumptions about other people’s gender identities based on their appearances. Teachers and staff also share their pronouns and invite others to share their pronouns in all situations – not just LGBTQ-specific circumstances – because we want to make sure we are not singling out certain people or communities by asking only those students and colleagues to share their gender identities.

It is important to point out that sharing pronouns is not just for the purpose of supporting our LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning) staff and students even though that is a big part of why we are engaging in this practice. Surveys and studies consistently show LGBTQ students in WPS and across the Commonwealth and country disproportionally struggle with their mental health which ultimately impacts their school performances. Our work to create a safer school for students of all gender identities – including the engaging in the practice of sharing pronouns – is to benefit all students. Creating a school culture where we normalize gender identity expression signals to all staff and students that people do not have to hide or be ashamed of their gender identities whether they are consistent with the ones they were assigned at birth or not. These efforts also communicate to everyone that no one gender identity is superior to another and that no one identity is “more normal” than another. Ultimately, we want all staff and students to understand that there is a place for everybody, and McCall is truly a place for ALL.

I would like to make sure everybody knows we do not require anyone to share their pronouns if people do not feel comfortable doing so. We only invite staff and students to take this step. Some folks may choose not to share their pronouns because they have not decided what is the appropriate pronoun for themselves or for a variety of other reasons. I understand some of our students are confused by why this practice is taking place at McCall. This is particularly the case for our sixth graders given that many of them have not been exposed to this practice at their elementary schools. I will continue to work with my staff to make sure students understand the rationale behind sharing pronouns, and that they all have the option to not share pronouns if they are not comfortable doing so.

I understand some students may feel conflicted about the practice of sharing pronouns even though they have been informed they have the option to either do or not to do so. I know some students feel the conflict because they see other students and their teachers are sharing their pronouns and they do not want to be left out. I encourage you and your students to reach out to the staff or me if your students are feeling this way. We will be happy to work with you to resolve these concerns.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. 

James Lin


McCall Middle School